Get Started

Step 1: Add Dwight to your server

Click on the following link and add Dwight to a server you own or have the Manage Server permission for.

Step 2: Sign in

Sign in with your Discord account.

Step 3: Add Sounds

Signin with Discord required

Go to Servers, select the server you added Dwight to and go to Manage Sounds. There you can add sounds. (mp3 file, size < 100kb)

When you added a visible sound, click on Apply Changes and a channel containing a button for each visible sound will be created. Changes do not take effect until this button has been clicked.

Step 4: Enjoy

Join a voice channel on your server and press one of the sound buttons. Dwight will join your voice channel and play the sound.

Step 5: Add an announcement

When creating a sound you can set its visibility to to hidden. No button for this this sound will be created. But you can use this sound for announcements. After creating the sound, go to Manage Announcements and create an announcement for a user. When this user joins a voice channel the selected sound will be played. This does not trigger when switching between voice channels.

Additional Features

  • Implicit rights to play sounds via channel rights
  • Announcement sounds. Play a sounds when someone joins a voice channel